Make the most of your adventure ride when planning your trip
Many adventure riders may be the “set out on your bike with nothing but an extra pair of socks, underwear and a tent” type, but others aren’t and need a little help in how to plan for such an adventure to make the most of your trip. Follow these steps to pan your Destination effectively:
Read More about Tips and Tricks for Adventure biking!
1. Plan The Destination
- The first thing you must think about when beginning to plan a trip is where you want to go.
- Take into consideration how many miles you think you can do in a day,
- how often you will need to stop for gas or to rest,
- and work some extra time in for things that may not go as planned.
- You don’t want to get uncomfortable on the bike or not be at your destination while the sun is still up.
2. Plan Your Sleepover.
- Decide whether you want to sleep next to your bike and under the stars or stay at a motel somewhere.
- Consider the weather conditions when deciding. However, we recommend camping as that’s part of the adventure.
3. Using Google
- Do some research on camping spots and the attractions you’d like to see.
- Find out things like how to pay for the campsite or how much cash you’ll need to take with you.
- Keep your audience in mind and decide on something that would suit everyone.
4. Your Map And Route.
- Look for places that would be fun to stop at on the way to our destination, plan your routes through areas so that your rest stops are places you would enjoy rather than just gas stations.
- Pace all the decisions on a map using Google Maps and then get directions from where you will be departing from to your final destination.
- Once you have your instructions, you add places where you are planning to stop until you have your entire trip drawn as one route.
- It will be easier to find other optional roads or sites to explore once you have your directions.
- All you must do now is print your map and make copies for the rest of the members who will be joining the adventure.
Hopefully, this little guide will help with the planning of your adventure route.