Are you sure you have everything you need? Are you And your bike prepared?
To make sure your trip is a memorable and pleasurable event instead of continually feeling unprepared break your list down into two areas: Your Bike and your Gear.
Your Bike
Motorcycles are more reliable than ever, and a cell phone can get you out of a lot of trouble without getting your hands dirty.
But it still makes sense to carry some basic tools and repair items with you.
- Probably the thing most likely to immobilize your bike is a flat tire. You can usually get to someplace that can do a permanent repair or replace the tire just by carrying and using a simple plug kit, and a means for inflating your tire, such CO2 cartridges or a small pump, either powered by your bike or by hand.
- Know your bike and know what special tools it requires. Within reason, carry along anything that a repair shop might not have. Is there a weak spot on your Bike? Taking a spare electrical relay, headlight bulb, fuel filter or whatever else is known to fail, due to vibration, wear, or quirks of your particular bike can save you a lot of wasted time seeking spare parts on tour.
Your Gear
The first goal of your gear is to keep You safe. But you’ll also be safer if you’re dry and warm and focused on your riding, instead of wet and shivering.
- The farther you travel, the more full the range of weather conditions you may encounter. You need to prepare yourself for 45 degrees in the morning, 85 degrees in the late afternoon, and the rain that will hit somewhere along the tour—all without having to carry extra gear. Instead of taking different equipment for every situation, consider versatile pieces that work together. A jacket with adjustable vents and a removable lining can cover a wide range of temperatures.
- In warm seasons, a mesh jacket and a rain suit to wear over it (and shut off the ventilation) encompasses a wide range of little bulk. An extra pair or two of gloves takes up a small space. But having dry gloves to put on if the weather turns cold and wet is worth a lot.
Our Tips
- Armed with these guidelines, make a list of the things you think you’ll need on your tour.
- Then, revise it after each trip.
- Cross off things you didn’t need and add things you needed but didn’t have with you.
Then get out there and enjoy the ride!